Hello everyone. The Internet had not good article about this situation.
I show you nice solution.
This video not actual today, but you should look it because you need tools postman experience, then if you do next instruction all will be work.
With default settings it doesn’t work…
Then you need true settings for that.
First for remote debug session with PhpStorm and Postman you could get true link — http://site-test.com.loc/autofillforms?XDEBUG_SESSION_START=PHPSTORM
ok, PHPStorm + Postman now is bind))
Next step
Cookie on headers — laravel_session=2vHTy0BWeqGWQR0fH3VRNb0X3dSnm3YT8CLsYOV1; XDEBUG_SESSION=PHPSTORM; XSRF-TOKEN={{xsrf-cookie}}
or, or + and )))
X-XSRF-TOKEN = {{xsrf-cookie}}
This is important — {{xsrf-cookie}}, but all options with your data.
How can you set {{xsrf-cookie}} variable? It’s very simple with this script: