Symfony VS Laravel

Symfony VS Laravel

Laravel vs Symfony Comparison

Framework Features Comparison

Laravel 11Symfony 7Description
ArtisanSymfony ConsoleCommand-line tools for managing the application, running migrations, generating code, etc.
TinkerSymfony REPL (PsySH)Interactive shell for working with the application from the command line.
EloquentDoctrine ORMORM (Object-Relational Mapping) for database interaction.
Facade DBDoctrine DBALInterface for low-level database operations, below the ORM level.
Laravel Mix (uses npx)Webpack EncoreTools for compiling and managing frontend resources such as CSS and JavaScript.
BladeTwigTemplating engines for generating HTML on the server side.
Laravel ScoutElasticsearch (via package)Tools for full-text search, integrating with Elasticsearch and other search systems.
Laravel SocialiteHWIOAuthBundlePackages for integrating OAuth social authorizations.
Laravel PassportLexikJWTAuthenticationBundleAPI authentication implementations using tokens.
Laravel HorizonSymfony MessengerTools for managing job queues and background processes.

Additional Features Comparison

Laravel 11Symfony 7Description
Paginate in EloquentPagerfanta or KnpPaginatorPagination of data, implemented in ORM or through third-party bundles.
Laravel Fortify (supports 2FA)SchebTwoFactorBundleSolutions for two-factor authentication (2FA) in web applications.
Laravel SanctumLexikJWTAuthenticationBundleSolutions for API and SPA authentication, providing tokens and handling session states.

Directory Structure Comparison: Laravel vs Symfony

Laravel 11Symfony 7Description
/app/srcMain application code, including controllers, models, and other classes.
/app/Http/src/ControllerControllers that manage the logic of incoming requests.
/app/Models/src/EntityModels in Laravel, entities in Symfony (used with Doctrine ORM).
/resources/views/templatesUser interface templates. Laravel uses Blade, Symfony uses Twig.
/resources/js/assets/jsJavaScript files. Symfony uses Webpack Encore for managing assets.
/resources/sass/assets/cssSASS/SCSS styles for frontend.
/bootstrap/config/bootstrap.phpBootstrap scripts in Laravel. Part of configuration in Symfony.
/config/configApplication configuration files.
/database/migrations/migrationsDatabase migrations.
/public/publicPublic root directory, the web application entry point.
/routes/config/routesApplication routing definitions.
/storage/varStorage for log files, cache, and sessions.
/tests/testsApplication tests.
/vendor/vendorThird-party libraries and dependencies installed via Composer.
.env.envEnvironment configuration file managing sensitive data and configurations.
composer.jsoncomposer.jsonDefines PHP dependencies and other Composer parameters.
package.jsonpackage.jsonDefines Node.js dependencies for frontend tools and libraries.
Laravel CommandSymfony CommandDescription
php artisan listphp bin/console listDisplays all registered commands in the application.
php artisan make:model ModelNamephp bin/console make:entity EntityNameCreates a new model in Laravel and a new entity in Symfony.
php artisan make:controller ControllerNamephp bin/console make:controller ControllerNameGenerates a new controller class in both frameworks.
php artisan make:event EventNamephp bin/console make:event EventNameCreates a new event class in both Laravel and Symfony.
php artisan make:listener ListenerName —event=EventNamephp bin/console make:subscriber EventNameGenerates an event listener in Laravel and an event subscriber in Symfony.
php artisan migratephp bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrateExecutes database migrations in both Laravel and Symfony.
php artisan servephp bin/console server:runStarts a development server for Laravel and Symfony applications.
php artisan route:listphp bin/console debug:routerDisplays routes registered in the application for both frameworks.
php artisan cache:clearphp bin/console cache:clearClears the application cache in both Laravel and Symfony.
php artisan config:cachephp bin/console cache:warmupCreates a cache file for faster configuration loading in Laravel and warms up the cache in Symfony.
php artisan queue:workphp bin/console messenger:consumeStarts the queue worker in Laravel and consumes messages from the message queue in Symfony.
php artisan make:middleware MiddlewareNamephp bin/console make:middleware MiddlewareNameGenerates a new middleware class in both Laravel and Symfony.
php artisan make:migration MigrationNamephp bin/console make:migrationCreates a new database migration file in both frameworks.
php artisan db:seedphp bin/console doctrine:fixtures:loadSeeds the database with records in Laravel and loads data fixtures in Symfony.
php artisan tinkerphp bin/console psyshProvides an interactive shell for Laravel and Symfony, powered by PsySH.
php artisan optimizephp bin/console cache:warmupOptimizes the framework loading in Laravel and preloads cache in Symfony.
php artisan schedule:runphp bin/console scheduler:executeRuns the scheduled tasks configured in Laravel and Symfony.
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